Glacial Blues

Glacial Blues, my latest vase, was inspired by the winter colours, the frosty ground, clear blue skies and a huge moon slowly rising throughout the day. The frozen water fountain in the garden I can see from my workbench, the hints of blue in the ice crystals forming a cap over the grass, and cool stalactites hanging from roof of the log shed. All these wonderful colours in the garden, took me back in time to NZ and a wee trip I did to Franz Josef glacier. You see where I get the names for my pieces now. The reason I find my thinking funny, is because I can walk into a room and stare blankly not knowing why I am in there, yet I can remember as clear as day the colours, the smell, feel the penetrating cold from a glacier I had the pleasure of ice picking my way up a wee portion of the glacier back when I was about twenty-seven years old. The way the old brain works, the busy wee Numskulls at work going through old photo albums in my head, having a good old giggle to themselves. But when I ask them why I am in the living room?? They just laugh and go back to the old photo albums in my memory bank. I thought the Numskulls worked for me but it would seem not!! I must find my photo album and show you a picture of a very young T on the Blue Glacier. Until then I hope you like my new vase.


Fabulous Winter Sunset


The joy of watching the sunrise.